At EMATS, we specialize in providing high-quality, cost-effective construction and field services to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Our extensive operational and engineering expertise ensures top-grade solutions across various industry facets.

Our Services

  • Pipeline Services: Regulated and non-regulated gathering, transmission, and distribution pipeline installation; specialized taps on active pipelines
  • Facility Construction: Compressor stations, pump stations, and related facilities; measuring and regulation station construction; NG/NGL processing facilities
  • Utility and Infrastructure: Utility construction; concrete and masonry construction; electrical and communication installation
  • Field Services: General roustabout services; well hookups and metering installation; production and field services
  • Cathodic Protection: Cathodic protection installation; anode beds, test stations, and rectifiers
  • Site Preparation and Maintenance: Site preparation and road construction; ROW cutting, clearing, and maintenance
  • Building Construction: Industrial and commercial building construction

Commitment to Excellence

Our commitment to excellence ensures that every project is completed to the highest standards. We leverage our vast operational and engineering experience to deliver top-grade construction and field services.

Flexible Deployment

These services can be deployed in conjunction with our engineering management and technical support services or on a standalone basis, providing flexibility to meet the specific needs of each project.